The Supporters
The Supporters
They are already in:
Credit: Livia Reber
Rolf Zuckowski
Musician, composer, author of children’s songs and one of the most successful German artists:
“The house of Europe can only be a good house, if it is a home for the children that offers them protection, opportunities and perspectives. Meetings with a candid look and interest for different people or different ways of life should characterize this home. As part of the European children’s capital this view of a Europe for generations can be emphasized. With this in mind I like being a mentor of the project.”
Credit: Malzahn
Kirsten Boie
Author of children’s books and honorary citizen of Hamburg
“While it becomes more necessary for Europe to grow together on the one hand, we observe a growing nationalism on the other. With its abundance of projects and encounters across borders the idea of a European children’s capital could ensure that already the children feel like Europeans and that a common Europe is natural for them.”
Knut Fleckenstein
“Europe is so much more than the big European Free Trade Association. How often do we talk about our values in Europe and how often do we still or again experience that they are not taken seriously. But without values, without solidarity and without human sympathy this great project of peace is worthless literally. I think the idea of a European children’s capital is very important and therefore I am a founding member of this association. Children need our help and support all over Europe. And they will develop this great idea one day, if we involve them in time and if we give them the chance to not only learn about the European idea at school, but to experience it first-hand in the real world. The combination of giving pupils the chance of an international encounter and at the same time promoting contests of European cities, taking children seriously, giving them chances and a good future that way, that is what moves and actuates this association. I know from many former colleagues in the European Parliament that they support this idea. I hope that many people will join us, so that the decision makers will listen to our wish to do something for the children in Europe.”
“I find the initiative for a European Children’s Capital so interesting because it’s an opportunity to raise awareness of children’s rights and thus make the adult world aware of its obligations.”
Herman van Veen
Credit: Jesse Willems
Credit: Jesse Willems
„I support the idea of a European Children’s Capital. Children’s rights are still far too little known in Europe, and only those who know the rights can also demand them. In addition to amending the Basic Law and further publicising the content of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Children’s Capital would be a good and important signal. It would also be an incentive for cities in Europe: to become an attractive destination for children and families and to be a role model for others with their own ideas in terms of child-friendliness.”
Katrin Krumrey
Hello to all European kids out there!
We are Stine and Jan from Hamburg, which is a city in Germany, and we have a vision. Do you know what a vision is? It’s like a really great dream where you imagine the world as beautiful as possible. And the coolest thing is: even when you wake up in the morning, this dream doesn’t stop. A vision stays with you. For days, for months. Some people even have their vision for their whole life.
Do you want to know what our vision is?